Cruzeiro do Sul

Explore the skies of the World

Wether it is for regular flights or charters, Cruzeiro do Sul reaches the main destinations of the planet.

Cruzeiro do Sul

We honor the history,flying today

We follow the technological evolution, without losing sight of where we came from.

Cruzeiro do Sul

We value cooperation

Our pilots are always here to help, because we know that cooperation makes us learn more.


We fly to the worlds most beautiful places.Make regular flights around the world!.


Our fleet haves modern aircraft types for you to fly with. From Cessna to Boeing, the skies will be yours.


join one of our amazing tours and discover challenging airports around the world.

Friendly Staff

If you have any questions, we are here to help. Join us at Discord and have fun.


We are a group of aviation enthusiasts and admirers of this old airline. We recreate the flight operations of Cruzeiro do Sul on the X-Plane, Microsoft Flight Simulator and Prepar3D platform. We virtually fly the routes that were operated by Air Services Cruzeiro do Sul and others of our choice, connecting in one of both online networks, IVAO or VATSIM.


Join Cruzeiro do Sul

Virtual Airline.